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Where do you work?


I work at a local grocery store in the deli department. I've been there for two years.

How many short series do you have? How many do you have planned?


I have a variety of shorts. Finding the Way, what I consider a "short series", is like a miniature book. I have a few short stories that I wrote to practice for a contest. As well as some poems that I don't think highly off. They are all offered on Fictionpress, and Ascension is now on SparkaTale. I have five or six in the works, but may only end up doing two of the ideas.

What made you think of Finding the Way?


Originally, Finding the Way wasn't even named that. And the characters were based on the same friends that were supposed to be featured in Saving Time, which are from an older forum I used to role-play and mod at. It even was supposed to be my first book, but it was decided that I'd use it as practice and write periodically for it. The idea for Finding the Way 2 was just something I thought of after finishing the other and watching Supernatural, where Dean and Sam grew more apart to their good and bad sides, or now reversed.




Do you have plans for a new 'Finding the Way'?


After Ascension, Zareh and his friends have split up to do their own thing. It ended fairly nicely and I don't think I want to really go into any more installments. However, maybe a spinoff? I do have ideas I can do, characters I want to use, but as to whether something will happen... Probably not.


Do you have any plans for more short stories or games?

Plenty. I've tried making three games that didn't make it very far. I could always go back and turn them into short stories or small games like they were intended. Plenty of sequels too.


Here are a collection of major questions you may have after reading over the entire website and the projects. Any additional questions can be e-mailed, and some of the questions may be added here.


Do you have any plans for a forum or stand-alone website for games?

I was thinking of making a forum for all of my games and inputing the vast information I had up for discussion and fan-made stuff. However, without a fan-base, there would be zero traffic and be a sort of waste until a later time.

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